Dog and Cat Vaccinations in Locust Grove, GA

At The Grove Animal Hospital, we excel at providing loving care for our furry little patients when they are ill—no one dislikes seeing pets sick more than we do! We believe the best strategy to keep pets healthy and free from common illnesses is a good dose of prevention. Dog and cat vaccinations are the most effective means to guard against common feline and canine sicknesses.

For adult pets, we recommend vaccine appointments every six months. Depending on your pet's age and vaccination history, your veterinarian might recommend a custom vaccination plan.

Man Nose To Nose With Dog

To provide the most effective veterinary care for Henry County’s pets, The Grove Animal Hospital keeps a stock of pet vaccinations that are essential for both dogs and cats. Our feline friends receive vaccines that protect against several viruses and diseases that can damage their gastrointestinal, respiratory and immune systems. Our canine friends receive vaccines that guard them from diseases that can damage their respiratory, immune and excretory systems.

It is imperative that dogs and cats receive the recommended pet vaccinations that are specific to their species. Regardless if your pet is an inside pet or an outside pet, it is crucial to their health that they are vaccinated. Indoor pets can still contract viruses and diseases through an open window or when they go outside to use the bathroom. Pet viruses are often spread through direct contact with infected animals who are either wild or unvaccinated. Considering the deadly and progressive nature of the viruses that affect dogs and cats, it is vital to safeguard your furry companion with the recommended vaccines.

At The Grove Animal Hospital, we offer multiple cat and dog vaccinations. We use the most state-of-the-art vaccine technology and methods available to administer our pet vaccinations. Below, you will find a list of the various pet vaccinations we offer, separated by species.

Dog Vaccinations

We know you love your pooch to pieces and want nothing more than to keep him or her happy and healthy. One of the easiest and most helpful ways you can ensure your dog’s health is to have him or her immunized with the recommended dog vaccinations. Dogs can develop a host of illnesses that can be detrimental to their bodies, but the good news is that The Grove Animal Hospital offers four different dog vaccines to protect against the most common ailments affecting canines. Partnering these vaccinations with routine heartworm testing and prevention will ensure your dog lives a long, healthy life. Read the additional information below to find out more about each of our dog vaccinations.

Cat Vaccinations

To ensure your furry feline friend’s nine lives are as long and prosperous as possible, it is important to make sure he or she stays up to date with all the recommended cat vaccinations. Cats are vulnerable to many life-threatening diseases that are largely preventable. At The Grove Animal Hospital, we offer cat vaccinations and preventative care that will assist in guarding against numerous illnesses so your cat can live a long, healthy and active life. Read the information below to learn more about the specific cat vaccinations we offer at The Grove Animal Hospital.


We recommend all puppies begin visiting the vet once they turn six weeks old and continue every two to four weeks until they are 16 weeks of age. These visits help us ensure your dogs are fully protected.

At our facility, puppies receive vaccine boosters every three to four weeks until they reach 16 weeks of age, then annually. Once they reach adulthood, they will be on this general vaccine schedule:

  • Bordetella vaccine – Every six months
  • Leptospirosis vaccine – Annually
  • DAPP- (Canine Distemper) – Annually
  • Rabies – Annually
  • Canine Influenza – Annually
  • Lyme – Annually for adult dogs who are at risk.  Dogs with regular tick exposure are at greater risk.


Our vets recommend all kittens begin visiting our office once they turn six weeks old and continue every two to four weeks until they are 16 weeks of age. These visits help us ensure your cats are fully protected.

At The Grove Animal Hospital, all kittens receive vaccine boosters every three to four weeks until they reach 16 weeks of age, then annually. Once they reach adulthood they will be on the following general vaccination schedule:

  • Rabies – Annually
  • FVRCP (Feline Distemper) – Annually
  • Feline Leukemia- Annually for adult cats who are at risk. Indoor/outdoor cats are at greater risk, as are cats who are exposed to another cat in the house that is an indoor/outdoor cat.
side view of a cat soaking up the sun